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The Mission Church: Men's Study - Lesson 4


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  1. 1. Acts 4:1-4
    1. 1.1. Question One
      1. 1.1.1. Two Opposite Responses:
  2. 2. Acts 4:5-12
    1. 2.1. Question Two
      1. 2.1.1. What Happened the Next Day?
      2. 2.1.2. Who Did Peter and John Have to Face?
      3. 2.1.3. What Were They Asked?
    2. 2.2. Question Three
      1. 2.2.1. What Changed for Peter?
      2. 2.2.2. Three Important Things Peter Pointed Out:
  3. 3. Acts 4:13-22
    1. 3.1. Question Four
      1. 3.1.1. What the Religious Leaders Noticed:
    2. 3.2. Question Four A
      1. 3.2.1. Spending Time with Jesus Today:
      2. 3.2.2. Transformation and Growth:
      3. 3.2.3. Recognition by Others:
      4. 3.2.4. Reflection:
      5. 3.2.5. 1. Visibility of Faith:
      6. 3.2.6. 2. Distinctiveness:
      7. 3.2.7. 3. Influence and Testimony:
      8. 3.2.8. 4. Integration with the World:
      9. 3.2.9. 5. Authenticity:
    3. 3.3. Question Five
      1. 3.3.1. 1. Divine Empowerment:
      2. 3.3.2. 2. Ordinary Witnesses:
      3. 3.3.3. 3. Authenticity:
      4. 3.3.4. 4. Focus on Jesus:
    4. 3.4. Question Six
      1. 3.4.1. Concerns of the Religious Leaders:
      2. 3.4.2. Actions to Control the Situation:
    5. 3.5. Question Seven
      1. 3.5.1. Theological Reflection on Divine Miracles:
      2. 3.5.2. Prayer for Miracles:
      3. 3.5.3. Consistency with Theological Views:
      4. 3.5.4. How my views have changed
    6. 3.6. Question Eight
      1. 3.6.1. Peter and John’s Response:
      2. 3.6.2. Inspiration for Standing Firm:
    7. 3.7. Question Eight A
      1. 3.7.1. Decision-Making in a Hostile Culture:
      2. 3.7.2. Reflection:
      3. 3.7.3. Personal Experience
        1. Reflection:
      4. 3.7.4. Guidance for Future Interactions:
    8. 3.8. Question Eight B
    9. 3.9. Question Eight C
    10. 3.10. Question Eight C
      1. 3.10.1. Danielle (Wife):
      2. 3.10.2. Commitment:
      3. 3.10.3. Carl (Son):
      4. 3.10.4. Commitment:
  4. 4. Acts 4:23-31
    1. 4.1. Question Nine
      1. 4.1.1. Reaction of the Apostles:
      2. 4.1.2. Vision of their Sovereign God:
    2. 4.2. Question Nine A
      1. 4.2.1. What Did They Pray For?
    3. 4.3. Question Nine B
      1. 4.3.1. Answer to Their Prayer:
    4. 4.4. Question Nine C
      1. 4.4.1. 1. Praying with Unity:
      2. 4.4.2. 2. Praying for Boldness and Empowerment:
      3. 4.4.3. 3. Praying for God’s Manifestation:
      4. 4.4.4. 4. Surrender to God’s Will:
      5. 4.4.5. 5. Expectant Prayer:
    5. 4.5. Question Ten
      1. 4.5.1. 1. Deepening Your Relationship with Jesus:
      2. 4.5.2. 2. Strengthening Knowledge of Biblical Truths:
      3. 4.5.3. 3. Cultivating a Prayerful Life:
      4. 4.5.4. 4. Building a Supportive Community:
      5. 4.5.5. 5. Practicing Faithful Witness:
      6. 4.5.6. 6. Preparing for Persecution:

Acts 4:1-4

Question One

Peter’s bold messge produced two opposite responses. What were they?

1 The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. 2 They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people, proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. 3 They seized Peter and John and, because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. 4 But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand.

Two Opposite Responses:

  1. Opposition and Arrest from the religious leaders:

    • The priests, the captain of the temple guard, and the Sadducees were disturbed by Peter and John’s teaching. They were particularly unsettled because the apostles were proclaiming the resurrection of the dead in Jesus.
    • As a result of their disturbance and opposition, they seized Peter and John, putting them in jail until the next day. This action represents a rejection of the message and an attempt to suppress the spreading of the Christian faith.
  2. Belief and Growth among the people:

    • On the other hand, many who heard Peter and John’s message believed in what they were saying. This resulted in a significant growth in the number of believers, with about five thousand men coming to believe.
    • This response represents acceptance and faith in the message of the resurrection of Jesus and indicates the message’s powerful impact on a substantial number of people.

Peter and John’s bold proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus in Acts 4 elicited two contrasting reactions: one of opposition and suppression by the religious authorities, and another of belief and spiritual growth among many listeners. This dichotomy illustrates the diverse impact of the Christian message in the early days of the apostolic ministry.

Acts 4:5-12

Question Two

What happened the next day? Who did Peter and John have to face, and what were they asked?

5 The next day the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. 6 Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and others of the high priest’s family. 7 They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: “By what power or what name did you do this?”

What Happened the Next Day?

The next day, after Peter and John had been arrested, a gathering of significant figures in the Jewish religious hierarchy convened. This assembly included rulers, elders, and teachers of the law, indicating a formal and high-level meeting to address the actions and teachings of Peter and John.

Who Did Peter and John Have to Face?

Peter and John were brought before a notable assembly which included:

  • Rulers, elders, and teachers of the law: These were influential figures in the Jewish community, responsible for maintaining religious order and interpreting the law.
  • Annas the high priest: A significant religious authority in Judaism during that time.
  • Caiaphas: Also a high priest, and a powerful figure. He was the son-in-law of Annas.
  • John, Alexander, and others of the high priest’s family: Other members of the priestly family who held positions of influence.

What Were They Asked?

Peter and John were asked by what power or in whose name they had healed the lame man. This question aimed to understand the source of their authority and the nature of the power they had exercised in performing the miracle. The religious leaders were likely seeking to ascertain whether their actions and teachings were aligned with Jewish law and tradition or whether they were promoting beliefs considered heretical or blasphemous.

Peter and John faced a formidable assembly of religious authorities the day after their arrest. They were questioned about the source of their authority to perform miracles, reflecting the leaders’ concerns about the legitimacy and implications of their actions and teachings.

Question Three

The gospels in the new testament describe three occasions where Peter, out of weakness and fear, willfully and publicly deny Jesus. In this scene of Acts 4, Peter again faces threats, yet he responds differently. What changed? And what three important things about Jesus did Peter boldly point out to the Jewish leaders?

5 The next day the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. 6 Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and others of the high priest’s family. 7 They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: “By what power or what name did you do this?”

8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people! 9 If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, 10 then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. 11 Jesus is

‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’

12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

What Changed for Peter?

Peter’s transformation from a state of denial to bold proclamation is attributed to several key factors:

  • The Holy Spirit: After Jesus’ ascension, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples during Pentecost (Acts 2). Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke with newfound boldness and clarity.
  • Witnessing the Resurrected Christ: Seeing and interacting with the resurrected Jesus strengthened the faith and conviction of the disciples, empowering them to be witnesses of His resurrection.
  • The Healing Miracle: Peter had just been part of a significant miracle—the healing of a lame man in the name of Jesus. This miracle, and the subsequent attention it garnered, provided a platform for testimony.

Three Important Things Peter Pointed Out:

  1. Jesus as the Healer: Peter attributed the healing of the lame man to the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, emphasizing His power even after His earthly demise.

  2. Jesus’ Resurrection: Peter boldly proclaimed that although the Jewish leaders had crucified Jesus, God raised Him from the dead, establishing Him as the living Savior and Lord.

  3. Jesus as the Only Savior: Peter emphasized that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus, asserting the uniqueness of Jesus’ role in salvation, as there is “no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Peter’s transformation is a testament to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His message to the Jewish leaders encapsulated the core of the Christian gospel: Jesus’ divine authority, His resurrection, and His unique role in salvation.

Acts 4:13-22

Question Four

What did the religious leaders notice about Peter and John (v13)?

13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

What the Religious Leaders Noticed:

  1. Courage and Boldness:

    • The religious leaders observed that Peter and John spoke with courage and boldness. Despite facing a formidable assembly of religious authorities, they didn’t back down or show signs of intimidation or fear.
  2. Lack of Formal Education:

    • They noticed that Peter and John were “unschooled, ordinary men,” meaning that they didn’t have formal religious education or Rabbinic training. This was surprising to the religious leaders, given the confidence and authority with which Peter and John spoke.
  3. Association with Jesus:

    • The religious leaders recognized that Peter and John had been with Jesus. This association helped them understand the source of Peter and John’s boldness and authority, as their demeanor and message were consistent with the teachings and manner of Jesus.

The religious leaders were astonished by the boldness and confidence of Peter and John, especially considering their lack of formal religious education. The leaders realized that their association with Jesus was a significant factor in their demeanor and message, reflecting the impact of Jesus’ teachings and presence on his followers.

Question Four A

We cannot spend time with Jesus physically as the disciples did, but we can defintely spend time with Jesus by studying His Word. As we spend time with Jesus, we also grow in wisdom, discernment, leadership, personal character, integrity, and our boldness to testify of Him. Without ever realizing it, the disciples had grown tremendously, and this was evident to all. Do others recognize you as having spent time with Jesus? Or do you simply blend in like everyone else?

A core aspect of Christian spiritual life is the transformative impact of spending time with Jesus through prayer, worship, and studying His Word.

Spending Time with Jesus Today:

  • Studying the Word: Engaging deeply with the Scriptures allows us to know Jesus better, understand His teachings, and apply them in our lives.
  • Prayer: Through prayer, we can have a personal conversation with God, expressing our thoughts, feelings, and desires, and listening to His guidance.
  • Worship: Participating in worship, whether individually or collectively, allows us to express our love, reverence, and gratitude to God.

Transformation and Growth:

  • Wisdom and Discernment: Spending time with Jesus helps us gain wisdom and discernment, enabling us to make choices that align with God’s will.
  • Character and Integrity: Our character is molded as we internalize Christ’s teachings and seek to live according to His example.
  • Boldness in Testimony: As our relationship with Jesus strengthens, our confidence to share His love and truth with others increases.

Recognition by Others:

  • Witnessing Our Faith: Others may notice a difference in our attitudes, behaviors, and priorities as a result of our relationship with Jesus.
  • Influence: Our growth and transformation can influence others positively, leading them towards a relationship with Jesus.


  • Self-Examination: It’s beneficial to regularly examine whether our lives reflect Christ’s influence and whether we are lights in the world.
  • Intentionality: Being intentional about spending time with Jesus and seeking transformation ensures that our faith remains vibrant and influential.

Our spiritual growth and transformation become evident to others as we consistently spend time with Jesus and allow His teachings and presence to shape our lives. This influence can be a powerful testimony, drawing others towards the love and truth found in Christ. Being mindful of our spiritual journey’s outward reflection encourages us to pursue a genuine and transformative relationship with Jesus.

When you ask, “Or do you simply blend in like everyone else?” you are raising a question about the visibility and distinctiveness of one’s Christian faith in their daily life and interactions. It points towards the following considerations:

1. Visibility of Faith:

  • Does your faith manifest in your actions and decisions? The question invites reflection on whether one’s faith is evident through their behavior, choices, and way of interacting with others.

2. Distinctiveness:

  • Is there something different in your demeanor or lifestyle that reflects Christian values? It challenges one to consider whether their faith makes them stand out in some way, showcasing the transformative power of the Gospel.

3. Influence and Testimony:

  • Does your life bear witness to your faith in Christ? The question encourages evaluating whether one’s life serves as a testimony, influencing others positively towards Christ.

4. Integration with the World:

  • Are Christian principles integrated into every aspect of life, or is faith compartmentalized? It encourages reflection on whether faith is a pervasive influence or limited to certain aspects of life.

5. Authenticity:

  • Is the faith professed aligned with the life lived? This question underscores the importance of authenticity and consistency in one’s faith journey.

The question “Or do you simply blend in like everyone else?” is an invitation to reflect on the lived expression of one’s faith. It encourages individuals to consider whether their relationship with Christ is vibrant and transformative, making a noticeable impact on their lives, or whether it’s indistinct and submerged within societal norms and expectations. It emphasizes the aspirational aspect of Christian living — to be a light in the world, embodying and sharing the love and truth of Christ.

Question Five

The Jewish council was “astonished” at the wisdom and courageous witness of Peter and John (v8-12) because “they were just ordinary men who had never had religious training” (v13). How should this encourage you in sharing the Jesus gospel message with people in your own world?

1. Divine Empowerment:

  • God’s Spirit: The passage illustrates that it was the Holy Spirit that filled Peter, enabling him to speak with wisdom and courage. This serves as a reminder that God’s Spirit empowers believers today, equipping them with the necessary boldness and words to share the Gospel.
  • Dependence on God: Recognizing that the effectiveness of witnessing comes from the Holy Spirit encourages a dependence on God rather than solely on one’s own abilities or knowledge.

2. Ordinary Witnesses:

  • Accessibility: Seeing ordinary individuals like Peter and John being effective witnesses makes the act of sharing the Gospel seem more accessible and possible for every believer, regardless of their background or education.
  • Relatability: Ordinary believers might find it easier to relate to a diverse range of people, making their witness more approachable and understandable.

3. Authenticity:

  • Personal Testimony: The genuine and lived experiences of believers can be a powerful testimony. Peter and John’s witness was potent because it was authentic and based on their personal encounters with Jesus.
  • Conviction: A witness that comes from personal conviction and experience can often be more impactful and convincing.

4. Focus on Jesus:

  • Central Message: Peter and John kept Jesus central in their witness. This emphasizes the importance of keeping the focus on the message of Jesus and His saving work.
  • Clarity: Keeping the focus on Jesus helps in maintaining clarity and simplicity in the message being conveyed, ensuring it remains true to the core of the Gospel.

The passage encourages believers to trust in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, valuing authenticity and personal testimony. It suggests that even without formal training, ordinary people can be extraordinary witnesses of the Gospel when they rely on God’s Spirit, keeping their message focused on Jesus Christ. This realization can inspire confidence and encouragement in sharing the Jesus Gospel message within one’s own sphere of influence.

Question Six

What were the religious leaders concerned about, and what did they do to try to control the situation (v14-18)?

Concerns of the Religious Leaders:

  1. Undeniable Miracle: The religious leaders were faced with an undeniable miracle—the healed man was standing before them, which made it impossible for them to refute the miracle.

  2. Spread of the Message: They were concerned about the message of Jesus spreading further among the people. The apostles’ teaching and the notable miracle had caught the attention of the people in Jerusalem, and the religious leaders wanted to prevent the message from gaining more traction.

Actions to Control the Situation:

  1. Deliberation: The religious leaders ordered Peter and John to leave the room so they could confer together and decide on a course of action.

  2. Issuing a Warning: They decided to warn Peter and John not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. They commanded the apostles to cease spreading the message, hoping this would control and limit the influence of their teaching.

  3. Attempt to Limit the Impact: By warning the apostles, the leaders hoped to contain the situation and prevent the message and the miracles from having a broader impact on the people.

The religious leaders were concerned about the undeniable miracle and the spreading of the apostles’ teachings. To control the situation, they deliberated and decided to warn and command Peter and John not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus, attempting to limit the influence and spread of their message.

Question Seven

The lame man being healed by Jesus was a mighty miracle. We probably all would like to see more miracles today. But here we see the profound impact for Jesus this miracle has on the entire community! Everyone must decide if they are for Jesus or against Him. Oh, the wisdom of God! No wonder the Bible calls these miracles signs. These miracles were used by God to point people to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah. Does this change your theological views on divine miracles? Or your views about praying for miracles? Explain why or why not.

The account of the lame man being healed indeed had a profound impact on the community, forcing people to consider the authenticity and authority of Jesus as the Messiah. This miracle, like many others in the Bible, served as a sign pointing people towards God’s power and the messianic identity of Jesus.

Theological Reflection on Divine Miracles:

  1. Miracles as Signs:

    • Miracles, as signs, validate the message and the messenger. They serve as divine endorsements, helping people recognize and believe in God’s work and messengers.
  2. Decision-Making:

    • Miracles often prompt decision-making, compelling individuals to choose whether to believe in or reject the message conveyed through the miraculous signs.

Prayer for Miracles:

  1. Alignment with God’s Will:

    • The prayer for miracles should ideally be aligned with God’s will and purposes, seeking to glorify God and advance His kingdom.
  2. Expectation:

    • Believers can pray expectantly for miracles, trusting in God’s power and goodness, while also submitting to His wisdom and sovereignty.

Consistency with Theological Views:

  • For those who believe in the continuance of miracles:

    • Such accounts affirm their beliefs, encouraging them to pray expectantly for miracles today, seeing them as tools God uses to reveal His glory and draw people to Himself.
  • For those with a cessationist perspective:

    • They might view biblical miracles as unique to the apostolic era, aimed at establishing the early church and authenticating the apostles’ message.

The understanding and expectation of miracles is not to glorify ourselves, but to glorify the Lord. The account in Acts can serve to encourage and affirm the belief in praying for miracles, seeing them as powerful testimonies of God’s reality, leading people towards faith in Jesus as the Messiah.

How my views have changed

I used to believe that the occurrence of miracles in my life was solely dependent on the level of my personal faith. I thought that by having strong faith, I would experience miracles that would alleviate my personal sufferings and challenges. However, my perspective has evolved over time, leading to a deeper understanding of the divine purpose behind miracles.

Now, I recognize that miracles primarily serve as signs that glorify God and point people towards Him. They are powerful manifestations of God’s presence and power, aimed at encouraging faith and drawing people closer to Jesus. Miracles are not merely about individual blessings or relief from personal suffering; instead, they play a role in a broader divine narrative of revelation and drawing hearts towards God.

Given this understanding, my approach to praying for miracles has also transformed. Rather than focusing solely on praying for miracles to ease my personal distress, my prayers are now also centered on the spiritual impact miracles can have on others and the community at large. I pray for miracles in the lives of others, hoping that these divine interventions serve as outward signs that resonate with people, strengthen their faith, and draw them closer to Jesus.

In doing so, my prayers align more closely with God’s purpose of using miracles as tools for spiritual revelation and encouragement, allowing people to witness His power and love, fostering a stronger, faith-driven community centered around His divine presence.

In my journey, I’ve come to realize that miracles have unfolded in my own life in subtle yet profound ways. There have been moments clouded with impossibilities, situations that seemed insurmountable, yet in retrospect, the hand of the Lord was evidently at work, orchestrating outcomes beyond my expectations.

These personal experiences of divine intervention have not been dependent on my worthiness or merit. Instead, they’ve been a testament to God’s unmerited favor, grace, and powerful presence, working in and through the circumstances of my life.

Reflecting on these personal miracles, I see them as divine acts that brought glory to God, revealing His power, love, and faithfulness. They serve as personal testimonies that have strengthened my faith, helping me recognize God’s continual involvement in my life’s journey.

So, while I pray for miracles to be manifest in the lives of others as testimonies to draw people closer to Jesus, I also cherish the miracles in my own life as expressions of God’s grace and powerful presence, guiding, protecting, and providing in unexpected ways.

I stand here today, a testament to God’s extraordinary grace and mercy. My journey has been marred by struggles with drugs and alcohol, paths that seemed to lead to destruction, and moments where life itself hung in the balance. Yet, in the midst of the chaos and the shadow of death, God’s grace has been my saving grace.

There were times when my own actions could have led to tragic ends, but God’s unyielding mercy preserved my life, pulling me back from the brink time and time again. I recognize that it is not by my own strength that I have survived, but by the grace of God that I have been sustained and brought to this point in my life.

His grace has been a beacon of hope in my darkest hours, a steadfast presence that has kept me alive despite the perils of addiction. I am profoundly grateful for God’s intervention, which has allowed me to stand here today, alive and filled with a sense of purpose and hope for the future.

Question Eight

Many men today are spineless, cowardly wimps. It’s pathetic. Despite threats from these powerful leaders, how did Peter and John respond (v19-20)? How does this inspire you to stand firm against opposition?

Peter and John’s Response:

Peter and John responded with remarkable courage and conviction. Despite facing threats from powerful leaders, they chose to obey God rather than men. They openly declared their commitment to speaking about what they had witnessed, emphasizing the undeniable reality of their experiences with Jesus.

Inspiration for Standing Firm:

  1. Conviction: Peter and John’s strong conviction in their faith and experiences with Jesus empowered them to stand firm. Their example inspires us to be grounded in our convictions, holding fast to what we believe to be true and right.

  2. Prioritizing God’s Will: The apostles prioritized obedience to God over obedience to human authorities. This act inspires us to always place God’s will and directions above societal or authoritative pressures.

  3. Boldness: Their boldness in the face of threats shows that with faith, it’s possible to stand firm against opposition, regardless of its nature or source. Their example encourages us not to be silenced by fear or intimidation.

  4. Authentic Witness: Peter and John were committed to sharing their authentic experiences, regardless of the consequences. This inspires us to be genuine witnesses of our faith, sharing our experiences and testimonies without compromise.

Peter and John’s courageous response in Acts 4:19-20 serves as a powerful example and inspiration. It encourages us not to succumb to societal pressures or threats but to stand firm in our convictions and faith, prioritizing God’s will and being bold and authentic witnesses of our experiences and belief in Jesus. It reminds us that spiritual boldness and conviction are essential in facing opposition and challenges in our faith journey.

Also if you stand with God, that also means that whomever you stand against, regardless of how strong they are or how much they may outnumber you… they dont have God on their side which would be a very big determining factor in the outcome.

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes God’s faithfulness to those who trust and stand with Him, even when facing formidable opposition.

When we stand with God, aligning ourselves with His righteousness and truth, we are not standing alone. God’s presence and favor tip the scales significantly, despite the apparent strength or numbers of the opposition.

The Bible is replete with stories where God’s people faced seemingly insurmountable odds—whether it be David against Goliath, Moses against Pharaoh, or Daniel in the lions’ den. In each case, God’s powerful intervention led to divine and unexpected outcomes.

Having God on our side is the ultimate advantage. It means that we are aligned with sovereign power, divine wisdom, and unyielding faithfulness. While the opposition may seem powerful in earthly terms, their lack of divine favor is a significant deficit.

In the spiritual equation, God’s presence is the most impactful determining factor, ensuring that righteousness prevails, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Thus, trusting in God’s support empowers us to stand firm and courageous, confident in His ability to bring about victory and justice.

This expression upholds the belief in God’s powerful support and intervention when we stand for righteousness, ensuring divine outcomes despite earthly opposition.

Question Eight A

All of us need to follow Peter’s bold example. Peter knew what the Lord had commanded believers to do (Acts 1:8), and he was going to obey Jesus at any cost. As we now live in a culture that is increasingly hostile to Jesus and to His gospel, how are you making your decisions? Do you stand boldly on the Word of God and obey it, or are you more concerned with “Is this safe?” and “Is this popular?”

In a world that often seems contrary to the teachings of Jesus and the Gospel, the example of Peter’s boldness in Acts is a compelling call to steadfast obedience to the Lord’s commands. Peter’s unwavering decision to obey Jesus, regardless of the cost, shines as a beacon of spiritual integrity and courage.

Decision-Making in a Hostile Culture:

  1. Standing Boldly on God’s Word:

    • Choosing to stand firmly on the Word of God involves making decisions based on biblical principles and the leading of the Holy Spirit, even when it contradicts societal norms or popularity.
    • This approach emphasizes unwavering obedience to God’s commands and a commitment to living out one’s faith authentically and courageously.
  2. Considerations of Safety and Popularity:

    • The considerations of “Is this safe?” and “Is this popular?” reflect a more cautious approach, where decisions are influenced by the desire to avoid conflict, persecution, or unpopularity.
    • This approach may lead to compromises, choosing paths that align more with societal acceptance rather than strict adherence to biblical principles.


  • Personal Examination: It’s crucial for each believer to examine their hearts and decisions. Are our choices reflecting a bold commitment to obey God’s Word, or are they influenced by the desire for safety and societal acceptance?

  • Cost of Discipleship: We must weigh the cost of discipleship, recognizing that standing firm in our faith might come with challenges, misunderstandings, or opposition.

  • Commitment to Obedience: A decision to prioritize obedience to God’s commands is a commitment to live in alignment with divine principles, trusting God’s guidance and provision, even in adversity.

The challenge is to follow Peter’s example of bold obedience, making decisions that reflect a steadfast commitment to the Word of God, despite the complexities and hostilities that might arise in contemporary culture. This involves a deliberate choice to prioritize divine obedience over societal popularity or personal safety, trusting in God’s ultimate purpose and guidance.

Personal Experience

In my own personal experience; at work in a group chat our boss asked my team what books we were currently reading… and I was a little cautious, but I chose to respond by saying that I am currently reading the book of Acts and the book of Hosea… to which he responded by saying, he was thinking of re-reading parts of the bible because “it’s some of the best literature out there (even if you are a non-believer as I no longer am).” and two other collegues thumbed up his response… I was a little afraid at how to respond to him and I stumbled as I thought about how to use this as an opportunity to lead people towards God, and I ultimatley didn’t say anything further.

My experience illustrates the complexities and challenges of expressing faith in environments where there might be indifference or a lack of shared belief. It’s common to feel cautious or uncertain about how to respond in such situations, especially when considering the potential reactions and impressions of others.


  1. Courage in Sharing: The act itself of sharing what bible books I was reading was a subtle testimony of my faith and demonstrated an openness for spiritual conversations.

  2. Responses Received: The responses I received, including my boss’s acknowledgment of the Bible as significant literature, opened a door for further engagement. It indicated a level of respect and openness to biblical content, even from a non-believer’s perspective.

Guidance for Future Interactions:

  1. Finding Common Ground: I could have engaged in a conversation by finding common ground, such as appreciating the literary richness of the Bible, its historical narratives, or its moral and ethical teachings.

  2. Sharing Personal Insights: I could have shared some personal insights or lessons I’ve gleaned from my readings, expressing how they have been meaningful or impactful in my life. This can make the conversation more relatable and less about doctrinal differences.

  3. Open-Ended Questions: I might have asked open-ended questions to invite others to share their thoughts or experiences related to biblical readings or spiritual matters. This could foster a more inclusive and exploratory conversation.

  4. Prayerful Consideration: Before responding, I should have taken a moment to pray silently, asking for wisdom and guidance on how to navigate the conversation in a way that is both gracious and impactful.

It’s natural to feel a sense of caution or uncertainty in such situations, but these interactions can be opportunities to subtly witness and share aspects of your faith journey. Prayer, wisdom, and a spirit of openness can guide our words and approach, helping to navigate these conversations in a way that sows seeds of curiosity and consideration regarding the things of God.

Question Eight B

Is there an area in my your life where you need to do a better job standing firm? If so, take a moment to describe what you are going to do about it. Then, commit your declaration to Jesus and ask Him to empower you to live our your new commitment.

Area Needing Firmness: I recognize that there’s a need for me to stand firmer in expressing my love and care towards my fellow brothers and sisters. I want to be more intentional and active in demonstrating love through my actions, interactions, and communications.

Action Plan:

  • Enhancing Social Interaction: I commit to actively engaging more with others, being present, and participating in social interactions with a heart full of love and a listening ear.

  • Improving Communication: I plan to work on being clearer and more effective in my communication, ensuring that my words convey love, understanding, and support.

  • Consistent Actions: I aim to be consistent in showing love through practical acts of kindness, support, and genuine interest in the well-being of others.

Commitment to Jesus: I humbly commit this declaration to Jesus, seeking His guidance and empowerment. I ask Him to fill me with His love, wisdom, and grace to live out this commitment. May my actions and words be a reflection of His love, leading me to stand firm in loving others in a way that glorifies Him.

Question Eight C

God calls you to be the spiritual leader of your family. This means you are to be always looking for ways to build and strengthen your wife and children. Do you (if married) lead your wife and family? Do you know what God wants to build and grow in her life? In your children’s lives? Or do you just try to fly under the radar without making waves?

God calls me to be the spiritual leader of my family, a responsibility I hold with utmost seriousness. I am called to nurture, guide, and strengthen my wife and children continually, aligning with God’s desires for their growth and well-being.

Leadership Approach:

  • I admit that there are times when I try to avoid conflicts and arguments, sometimes opting for peace rather than addressing issues head-on. This is an area where I aim to improve, seeking wisdom in navigating family discussions with grace and assertiveness.

Areas of Guidance:

  • I actively guide my family in aspects of health, nutrition, and exercise, recognizing the significance of physical well-being in our overall life quality.

  • I also focus on encouraging the learning of new skills, promoting a culture of growth and development within my family.

Learning and Growth:

  • Being new to fatherhood, I am in a continuous learning process. I’m embracing the responsibilities that come with caring for my new son and supporting my wife, who plays a crucial role in nurturing our family.

  • I am learning to discern the specific needs of my wife and son, seeking to understand better what God wants to build and grow in their lives.

Commitment to Improvement:

  • I acknowledge that there is room for improvement in my leadership. I am committed to being more intentional in seeking God’s guidance to understand His plans and purposes for each family member better.

  • I aim to be more proactive in spiritual leadership, ensuring that my actions and decisions foster a godly environment that encourages spiritual growth and development.

Question Eight C

Write down the names of each family member (wife and kids). Next to their name, write down the most important thing you believe God wants them to grow in. It will be specific and unique for each person. (Be careful here. This is not something that will serve youl; it is something that will build up and edify her/them). Then commit yourself to join God in His work of building up your wife and kids this way. Be intentional about this over the next seven months, and make it part of your daily prayer. Encourage and champion their growth in this area at every opportunity. Guide them with positive reinforcement just as the farmer waters and nurtures his fields, ensuring they have all they need to grow and thrive. Then, watch God move powerfully.

Danielle (Wife):

  • Danielle (wife)
    • Teach her to love her enemies
    • Have compassion for sinners
    • Be less judgemental
    • Be more embracing and open to change/growth
    • Make more time for creating art and creative activities versus consuming entertainment
    • Improve her self esteem

God’s Growth Path for Danielle:

  • Spiritual Growth:

    • Encourage Danielle to cultivate a heart that loves her enemies and has compassion for sinners, aligning with Christ’s teachings of love and forgiveness.
    • Support her in being less judgmental, fostering a spirit of understanding and empathy, encouraging openness to growth and change in spiritual perspectives.
  • Personal Development:

    • Foster an environment where Danielle feels encouraged to explore her creativity and artistic passions, balancing consumption of entertainment with expressions of creativity.
    • Assist in nurturing her self-esteem, affirming her worth, and encouraging her confidence in her unique qualities and contributions.


  • Prayer: Regularly commit Danielle’s growth areas to prayer, seeking God’s guidance and blessing in each specific area.

  • Encouragement: Be a constant source of encouragement, celebrating small milestones, and affirming Danielle’s efforts and progress.

  • Nurturing: Like a farmer nurtures his fields, ensure that Danielle has the necessary support, resources, and environment to thrive in the areas identified.

Carl (Son):

  • Carl (son)
    • help him learn to talk
    • help him learn to walk
    • help guide his nutrition
    • help reduce his exposure to violence
    • help him keep balanced calm temperment
    • help him socialize with other children
    • provide a demonstration of loving and positive relationship with his mother

God’s Growth Path for Carl:

  • Developmental Growth:

    • Actively engage in activities that support Carl’s speech and mobility development, such as talking and walking.
  • Nutritional Guidance:

    • Take intentional steps to guide Carl’s nutrition, ensuring he receives balanced and healthful meals for optimal growth.
  • Emotional and Social Well-being:

    • Foster a peaceful and loving environment that minimizes exposure to violence, supports emotional balance, and encourages a calm temperament.
    • Facilitate opportunities for Carl to socialize with other children, encouraging the development of interpersonal skills and friendships.


  • Prayer: Commit each aspect of Carl’s growth to daily prayer, asking God for wisdom, protection, and guidance.

  • Guidance: Provide consistent guidance and positive reinforcement, ensuring that Carl has what he needs to develop healthily and holistically.

  • Active Participation: Be actively involved in supporting Carl’s developmental milestones, ensuring a balanced approach to nurturing his overall well-being.

By committing to these intentional actions and prayers, I join God in His work of building up my wife and son, championing their growth, and providing a supportive environment that fosters their development in the specific areas identified. I look forward to witnessing God’s powerful movement in their lives as they grow and thrive in His grace.

Acts 4:23-31

Question Nine

How did the apostles react to the council’s ban and threats? What was their vision of their sovereign God (v23-28)?

Reaction of the Apostles:

The apostles, Peter and John, upon their release, returned to their community and shared what the chief priests and elders had told them. Rather than reacting with fear or discouragement, the apostles and their community raised their voices together in prayer to God.

Vision of their Sovereign God:

  1. Sovereign Creator: They addressed God as the “Sovereign Lord” who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. This shows their vision of God as the all-powerful creator and ruler over all creation.

  2. Fulfiller of Prophecies: They acknowledged the prophecies spoken by the Holy Spirit through David, recognizing the opposition and conspiracies against the Lord and His anointed as a fulfillment of these prophecies.

  3. In Control of Events: They saw the actions of Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel as falling within God’s predetermined plan. They believed that the conspiracies against Jesus were ultimately under God’s control, fulfilling His divine will.

The apostles, therefore, saw their sovereign God as the ultimate authority, in control of the universe, fulfilling prophecies, and directing the course of events, including the opposition they faced. Their vision of God was of a powerful and purposeful deity who had a definitive plan for the world.

Question Nine A

Now, with the apostles humbled before God and their vision of Him clarified, what did they pray for (v29-30)?

In Acts 4:29-30, after facing threats from the Sanhedrin, the apostles gather together, and with a clear vision of God’s sovereignty and power, they offer a prayer. Here is what they prayed for according to these verses:

Acts 4:29-30 (NIV) “29 Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

What Did They Pray For?

  1. Boldness in Speaking God’s Word:

    • They prayed for divine enablement to speak God’s word with boldness and courage despite the threats they were facing from the religious leaders. They sought the confidence to proclaim the gospel fearlessly.
  2. Healing, Signs, and Wonders:

    • They asked God to manifest His power through healings, signs, and wonders. They sought divine interventions that would attest to the message they were proclaiming, all performed in the name of Jesus.
  3. God’s Consideration of the Threats:

    • They asked God to take note of the threats they were receiving, implicitly seeking divine intervention and protection in the face of opposition.

The apostles, in their humility and clarity of God’s dominion, prayed for the boldness to proclaim God’s word and for God’s powerful manifestations through healings, signs, and wonders in the name of Jesus. They also sought God’s awareness and intervention concerning the opposition and threats they were encountering. Their prayer reflects a reliance on divine empowerment and protection in their mission.

Question Nine B

What was the answer to their united and earnest prayer (v31)?

In Acts 4:31, the response to the apostles’ united and earnest prayer is vividly described:

Acts 4:31 (NIV) “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”

Answer to Their Prayer:

  1. Divine Manifestation:

    • The place where they were meeting was physically shaken, a powerful sign of God’s presence and approval, responding to their prayers with a tangible manifestation of His power.
  2. Filling of the Holy Spirit:

    • The believers were all filled with the Holy Spirit. This divine filling was a spiritual empowerment, equipping them with what they had asked for in prayer.
  3. Boldness in Proclamation:

    • Filled with the Holy Spirit, they spoke the word of God with boldness. This was a direct answer to their prayer for the ability to speak God’s word with great boldness despite the threats and opposition they faced.

God responded to their united and earnest prayer by manifesting His power through the shaking of the place, filling them with the Holy Spirit, and enabling them to speak His word with boldness. This divine intervention affirmed God’s approval, presence, and empowerment in their mission.

Question Nine C

There is much to be learned from the prayers in the Bible. What do you learn from this prayer that you can put into practice in your own prayer life?

The prayer in Acts 4:29-31 offers valuable lessons that can be applied to enhance my own prayer life.

1. Praying with Unity:

  • Lesson: The believers prayed together with a unified spirit, collectively seeking God’s intervention.
  • Application: Cultivate a spirit of unity in prayer, whether in personal prayer circles or community gatherings, recognizing the power of collective intercession and agreement in prayer.

2. Praying for Boldness and Empowerment:

  • Lesson: The believers asked God for boldness and empowerment to proclaim His word despite opposition.
  • Application: In our prayers, we can seek God’s strength and boldness in our Christian witness, asking for the courage to stand firm in faith and proclaim His truth despite challenges.

3. Praying for God’s Manifestation:

  • Lesson: The prayer included a request for signs, wonders, and healings to manifest God’s power and glory.
  • Application: Don’t hesitate to pray for God’s supernatural intervention, signs, and wonders that manifest His presence and power in situations and people’s lives.

4. Surrender to God’s Will:

  • Lesson: The believers submitted to God’s sovereignty, seeking His will and intervention in the face of threats.
  • Application: In our prayers, cultivate a heart of surrender, seeking God’s will and divine strategies in navigating life’s challenges and oppositions.

5. Expectant Prayer:

  • Lesson: Their prayer was followed by a tangible manifestation of God’s presence and power.
  • Application: Pray with expectation for God’s response, whether through tangible manifestations, inner guidance, or divine peace, trusting in His faithfulness to answer.

By embracing these lessons from the prayer in Acts 4—such as praying with unity, seeking divine boldness and manifestations, surrendering to God’s will, and praying expectantly—we can enrich our prayer life, cultivate a deeper spiritual sensitivity, and witness the powerful movements of God in and through our lives.

Question Ten

Despite the persecution from the Sanhedrin, the apostles had an evident boldness to speak the truth and be a witness to Jesus Christ. Even after they were released, they and the rest of the congregation continued to pray for boldness to speak God’s word, realizing the persecution would continue (v13, 29, 31). How did they have such courage? It all begins with a small step of faith. With our eyes on Jesus, we can faithfully and boldly step out in courage, unencumbered by the fear of man. How can you prepare now to stand for Jesus (and His biblical truths) so that you are ready the next time you are confronted with opposition?

Preparing to stand for Jesus and His biblical truths in the face of opposition involves intentional spiritual growth and fortification.

1. Deepening Your Relationship with Jesus:

  • Engagement: Spend quality time in prayer and reading the Bible to deepen your relationship with Jesus and understand His truths more profoundly.
  • Application: Applying the teachings of Jesus in daily life can help cultivate a lifestyle aligned with biblical truths.

2. Strengthening Knowledge of Biblical Truths:

  • Study: Regular study of the Bible to understand the foundations of the faith and biblical perspectives on various life issues.
  • Resources: Utilize resources like commentaries, online sermons, and Christian literature to enhance understanding and application of biblical truths.

3. Cultivating a Prayerful Life:

  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent prayer life, seeking God’s guidance, wisdom, and boldness.
  • Community: Engage in communal prayer, drawing strength, and encouragement from fellow believers.

4. Building a Supportive Community:

  • Fellowship: Regular fellowship with like-minded believers for mutual encouragement, accountability, and spiritual growth.
  • Mentorship: Seek mentorship or spiritual guidance from mature Christians to navigate challenges and opposition.

5. Practicing Faithful Witness:

  • Small Steps: Take small steps of faith to share biblical truths and personal testimonies, cultivating a habit of witness.
  • Boldness: Pray for boldness and courage to stand firm in faith, speaking God’s truth lovingly and confidently.

6. Preparing for Persecution:

  • Awareness: Be aware that opposition may come, preparing mentally and spiritually to face challenges.
  • Scriptures: Memorize scriptures that encourage and fortify faith in times of persecution or opposition.

Preparation to stand for Jesus in the face of opposition involves deepening our relationship with Him, strengthening our understanding of biblical truths, cultivating a robust prayer life, building supportive Christian community, and taking steps of faithful witness. Through these intentional practices, we can be fortified to stand boldly and faithfully for Jesus and His truths, regardless of the opposition or challenges encountered.